Live weather and conditions information is now available directly from the summit of Snowdon (Yr Wyddfa).

As part of the AdventureSmart initiative to provide clear information to help hill walkers and mountain users, this project should help you plan your day and aims to reduce unnecessary call outs to Mountain Rescue.

With over half a million walkers each year, Yr Wyddfa (Snowdon) is the busiest mountain in the UK. However part of the price of its popularity is the increasing number of avoidable call outs to mountain rescue teams, often initiated by ill-prepared or inexperienced first-time hill-walkers who may have underestimated the impact the weather may have on their plans.

The BMC already provides live Winter Weather Conditions Information for winter climbers, mainly to help winter climbers be better informed when conditions are suitable for winter climbing and to help avoid damage to internationally important alpine vegetation. These projects are now live at Cwm Idwal in Snowdonia and at Helvellyn and Great End in the Lake District.

While designed primarily for hill-walkers on Snowdon, this weather station will also enable climbers going to Cloggy (Clogwyn Du’r Arddu), Cyrn Las or Lliwedd a better chance of grabbing their classic routes (in summer and winter) when the weather allows.

It’s hoped that the weather station will remain active all winter (dependent on solar power and battery life), but it’s likely that the wind monitor will eventually seize up in a winter freeze.

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