This week on the Blogger Network, Fiona learns some lessons from a snowy Corbett
Fiona Russell runs the multiple award-winning blog Fiona Outdoors. She’s a journalist, professional blogger and web copywriter with a passion for walking, mountaineering, skiing, cycling, and other outdoor activities. One of the most frequent bloggers in our network, her most recent award is MyOutdoors Blogger of the Year 2017.
In her most recent post, she tells the story of climbing Carn an Fhreiceadain above Kingussie with her friend Rob and her dog Wispa – and recounts the lessons learned. There’s a lot of wisdom in this post, not least about knowing the capabilities of your dog if you take them out on the hill in winter.
But it was as we started to descend from Carn an Fhreiceadain that I started to worry about Wispa. While Rob and I were able to stride out downhill in our snowshoes and stay mostly on top of the snow, Wispa was struggling badly. I had never seen her seemingly so tired.
At one point we turned back to see that she was quite a way behind. I thought she needed more food so we stopped for sandwiches, snacks and water. This revived us all and we plodded on again.
But about five minutes later Wispa stopped still. She would not come to my call and we had to retrace our steps uphill to reach her. By this point, she was trying to make a bed for herself in the snow. Again, I have never seen her doing this.
Read the full piece here.
Blogger Network featured post: lessons learned on a snowy Corbett hike