Today on the Blogger Network, Julie Coldwell discusses things that go bump in the night
We’ve all been there. You’ve set up your tent, crawled into your sleeping bag, switched off the torch… and you start hearing noises.
Julie Coldwell’s blog, Living This Life Out Loud, is all about big journeys in Scotland and worldwide: hiking, biking, wild camping, and more. In her latest post she examines the topic of wild camping and fear. There are all kinds of reasons why a wild camper might feel a twinge of alarm from time to time, but this is not often discussed – all too often it’s assumed that wild campers have nerves of steel. And while it’s easy to dispel any nerves in the warm light of morning, things can seem different after the sun has set.
The well-kept graveyard was special with some very ancient gravestones, which were interesting to read. I like to find the most long-lived persons grave, but it’s always sad to find the graves of young children, especially more than one child from the same family.
I went through my usual routine of securely pitching the tent, making hot food and then retiring to my cosy sleeping bag as darkness fell. Sleeping next to a graveyard was fine, any ghosts are going to be friendly I decided while drifting into a deep sleep.
Suddenly I was jerked awake by a loud thud, the far end of the tent momentarily flattened, guy ropes twanged and then all was silent.
Crikey, what an earth was that?
Read the full post here.
Blogger Network featured post: scary nights of stealth camping by Julie Coldwell