Today on the Blogger Network, Lucy Wallace climbs Arran’s highest mountain in the snow
Lucy Wallace is a mountain leader who runs the blog Arran Wild Walks, a collection of posts about her walking, climbing and other outdoor adventures – mainly on Arran, but in other places too. In her latest post, she climbs Goatfell’s Stacach Ridge in wintry conditions:
We took the traverse path that avoids the rocky scramble of Stacach ridge. This is not always the easy option as is also potentially quite tricky in snowy conditions as it lies in the lee of the ridge and can sometimes be buried in snow. However, prevailing winds have been northerly recently and the ridge was mostly quite well scoured. It’s worth mentioning that although the deeper pillows in the sheltered bits were well bonded this time, retracing our steps is an option we always have in our minds on this route in winter.
Read the full post here.
Blogger Network featured post: Snowy Goatfell by Lucy Wallace