A joint event with the Royal Geographical Society and Kendal College’s Arts, Media and Design School
Thursday 22 March 18.30-22.30
The Box, Kendal College Media and Arts Campus, Beezon Rd, Kendal
We all like to record our adventures – be they on a mountain, on water or visiting one of the world’s great cities – and there’s never been a better time to make your own films of these experiences. The kit to take high-quality footage and then edit this into a watchable film is readily to hand; a modern digital SLR or compact camera is one route. Alternatively an iPhone has considerable capabilities. To edit, you can access a wide range of editing software – many as free apps.
Having the gear however is, only a small part of the process –and this is where this evening workshop comes in. Hosted by the Royal Geographical Society (with IBG) and led by Kendal College’s Media and Arts School, you will gain the essential skills to make your own adventure travel films, using equipment you will more than likely already have at home or in your pocket now.
Early booking recommended as places are limited.
Places: £20.00 (RGS-IBG, £10.00). Book through: robin.ashcroft7@icloud.com
Header image: Shutterstock / Adwo
Events news: Filmmaking for the Curious Traveller workshop, Kendal