These closed-toe sandals are unusual in that they combine the strapping of an open-toed sandal with a toe bumper. The latter even has a strap in front of it. This seems a good idea if you want an open sandal with toe protection. However I was unable to test it extensively as the toe box is very low and pressed on the top of my big toe. I couldn’t walk far without this becoming very uncomfortable. I think you’d need very thin and low-profi le toes to fi t these sandals. In other respects they are fi ne, especially given the low price. The cushioning and grip are both reasonable though not as good as some. The sole is curved and has a patterned footbed that stops the foot slipping.
The straps have soft linings and feel comfortable against the skin. The adjustment range is good. They are reinforced and so fairly stiff to give support to the foot. As with other sandals I’m not sure the rear strap is really necessary. These sandals are great value for money – if that fl at toe box fits.